From Data To Insights

In this section you find an explanation of the methods, terms and definitions used in the analysis method for this Collective Discovery.

Laterit Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a generative statistical model used to identify topics in a collection of documents. It assumes that each document is a mixture of several topics, each characterized by a distribution of words. LDA is widely used in text mining and natural language processing to discover the underlying thematic structure in large texts. 

Zero-shot Learning (ZSL)

Zero-shot learning (ZSL) is a machine learning method used to teach machines to recognise and classify objects that it has not been explicitly trained on, in other words, new objects or categories that the model has never seen before. Unlike traditional supervised learning, which requires labeled examples for each class, zero-shot learning leverages auxiliary information, such as semantic attributes or descriptions of the new classes, which provides the model with enough context to infer the characteristics of the unseen classes.  

Zero-shot learning is particularly useful in scenarios where it is impossible to gather sufficient labeled data for every possible category. When performing zero-shot learning a description of the new class that you hope to find is needed. An example of such description is the description of Cohesion.

Topic Identification

Topic identification is a top-down method to identify the topics in the answers and match them with Canucci’s standard topic and customer-specific topic (see definitions below). Topic identification is beneficial because it employs a structure we are accustomed to, making it easier to understand. The downside is that this method might not capture all nuances, potentially overlooking some aspects. Because of this, topic identification is mainly used in Collective Discovery to verify results from the LDA and ZSL analysis, especially since the dataset analyzed isn't large enough to allow for advanced statistical analysis.

Generative AI

To preserve anonymity, we use generative AI to rewrite and summarize the responses from different groups (themes from LDA/ZSL or topics). Generative AI is a category of artificial intelligence systems designed to generate new content. These systems create outputs such as text, images, music, or other forms of media based on the input data and the training they have undergone. Unlike traditional AI models that might classify or analyze existing data, generative AI models produce novel data that resembles the training data. Thus, it can rewrite texts slightly differently to capture the essence while preserving anonymity.

List of topic definitions

Below is a list of the common topics identified in your answers. The topics are based on organizational research and Canucci's expertise and experience.


The organization's ability and readiness to change its strategies, processes, or products in response to evolving markets, technologies, or external pressures. This requires the company to be agile, resilient, and continuously learn to stay relevant and competitive.


Refers to investing in artificial intelligence technologies, encompassing the necessary skills and technology required to effectively utilize AI.


Effective teamwork, knowledge exchange, and shared methods among different individuals, groups, and divisions to reach a sense of togetherness and achieve shared goals.


The methods and practices of communication within the company, guiding how information flows between team members and departments.


Recognizing, valuing, and embracing the unique perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds of every individual to enrich collective wisdom and drive holistic growth.


A company’s appeal and ability to attract and retain talent.


The process of identifying and evaluating various approaches or plans to grow the business and increase revenue.


Deeply ingrained strategy/vision, which all members of the organization understand.


The way the company is organized, including its hierarchy and divisional setup, and how these structures influence business operations and decision-making processes.


The optimization of internal operations, with streamlined, lean and adaptable workflows, ensuring tasks are completed using the least amount of resources, while maintaining and/or improving quality.


Individuals’ knowledge and abilities obtained and developed through training, education, and practical experience, to improve employee performance, adaptability, and career progression and align personal growth with organizational needs.


Shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and norms that shape how employees interact and work together.